Studio Documentation
Week 10 (29th Nov - 3rd Dec)
Painting with Plaster - Small canvas Outcomes
I went back to my small canvas outcomes to do the background like my large canvas. The original background colour becomes the bottom layer. I paint two more layers of colour where the layer before that creates an outline of the coating on top. Each layer of paint gets lighter each time. I like the outcome I produced; I think it complements the rest of my work.
This is a photograph of all the canvas hung up on the wall in this style. I enjoyed the making process of all these outcomes. Since it is abstract, there is no right or wrong way to hang these pieces. I managed to make a piece full of movement and texture, but it is also something that I haven't seen any artist do before. I will continue by experimentation with abstract art in and out of this project as I like this art technique that I have created and feel that there are many possibilities to work with.
Painting with Plaster - Large Canvas 2
I worked with plaster without any colour. I wanted to try it. I added red and blue acrylic paint when preparing the plaster. I think that it'll complement the piece as since plaster is already white the colours will naturally dry pastel.
I went with another large canvas as an experiment to use acrylic fluid painting instead of dripping the acrylic straight from the tube and dragging the paint with a flat brush.
I prep the large canvas by giving it a base colour. I decided beforehand that I was doing a colour scheme of yellow and purple.
I went with the same three layers of plaster mounds, and I waited for each layer to dry before adding the next; when all layers were dehydrated, I stuck it back into the canvas with PVA adhesive.
I coloured the plaster each layer which gets a darker purple each time. The background of my perilous experiments inspired this. I plan to do the three-layer background in this experiment but thought that having the plater colours and background both go dark to light would be too overwhelming in the piece. So I did the opposite. I left this canvas to fulling dry over the weekend.