Final Pieces Project Selections
These three pieces are what I have chosen as my final pieces of this project. It has developed my art practice, and all experimentation led to these pieces.
I have chosen this as one of my final pieces because it is the first large-scale sculpture I have made. My understanding of working with plaster came from making this piece, and I did a clay sculpture, then did many small plaster experiments before making this. My fascination with plaster led me to dive further into the media and think of ways to use it in my paintings, which I did in my experiments after this sculpture.
I chose this as one of my final pieces because it is a large scale piece where it took inspiration from all experimentation that I did since the first week of the project. It represents all the techniques I have learnt and developed put into one canvas. I felt that this piece was unique to me. It is the first time I have ever made something original; this piece couldn't be created without any work I have previously created.
I have chosen this piece as one of my final pieces because this piece shows me where the next steps of my art can lead to. I created these pieces after my previous large canvas painting. I became curious about manipulating minor elements of the painting, such as changing the colour of the plaster or the pathways of the paint could be made differently. I changed it to acrylic pouring but applied it in a different way. It made me think outside of the box, taking the techniques of the last piece but enhancing what I already knew.
I have learned new techniques from this project and tried different art forms that I've never tried before. I've created outcomes through my experiments that I alone can only make. It is the start of the direction my art style is heading as I now know what I like doing as an artist.